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Thursday, November 30, 2006
JaeJoong's "cold" joke in Taiwan,, Xiao long bao = "Xiah" long bao???
2:19 PM

In that interview, they said that this was the 3rd time they came to Taiwan…and they miss the fans here…and all the food in Taiwan…

Jae Joong : We miss a food call (“Xiah” Long Bao ) ..Such a long time we did not met “Xiah”~~~(but actually the food call Xiao long Bao and not “Xiah Long Bao …He try to make funny…but do you think is FUNNY?????()

When Jae Joong said that, immediately a “none” expression face appeared on Micky’s …but Xiah was laughing all the way…Soon , jae joong felt shy after he does the stupid joke ..Lastly, they hope to have their concert in Taiwan as soon as possible and they promised to release more Chinese song…

P/s I dun really see properly the subs …so if I made a mistake, correct for me.Thanks a lot !

Translate by : likwen@cyxion.net
Source by: Enews
credits: jiana@DBIC
Special credits to RéþëCcå *£ÌÏñĝ♀| from Cassiopeia Family

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PICS: Balloons T-Shirts for the Fans
12:06 AM

Go and get you one! ;)
Click for full size:

Credits : Bestiz

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
PICS: HK meeting & sign
2:45 PM

Click for full size:

Credits: KoreanStorm



PICS: TVXQ in HK airport
12:29 AM

Credits: yahoo + tvxqfamily + HAppyBelle@CassiopeiaFamily + TVXQ Fans Forum

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PICS: Hainan Concert
12:24 AM

Credits: sohu + tvxqfamily + HAppyBelle@CassiopeiaFamily + TVXQ Fans Forum

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Saturday, November 25, 2006
MKMF Awards.., results... + Pictures
11:39 AM

They won 4 Awards: THE DAESANG AWARD!!!!!!

Here are the awards that TVXQ have won:
1. Mnet.com award
2. Best group award
3. M.Net Plus Mobile Popularity award
4. Best Artist of The Year

Final List of MKMF Winners:

Solo Newface- Jang RiIn 'Timeless'
Group Newface- SUPER JUNIOR 'U'
Male Solo- Bi 'I'm Coming'
Female Solo- Baek Jiyoung 'Sarang anhae'
Group- DBSK 'O'
Rock- Buzz 'Namjaleul Molla'
Hiphop- MC Mong 'Ice Cream'
Ballad- Lee Seungki 'Hagi Himdeun Mal'
R&B- Fly To The Sky 'Like A Man'
Dance- SS501 'Snow Prince'
Best Music Video Screenplay- Psy 'Entertainer'
Best Music Video Director- Psy 'Entertainer'
Best Music Video Actor- Lee Junki Lee Sooyoung's 'Grace'
Best Music Video Actress- Lee Jisoo VIBE's 'That Man, Than Woman'
Best Foreign Artist Award- Pussycat Dolls
Asia Best Pop Artist Award- W-inds
Overseas Viewer Award- Shinhwa
Yepp Netizen Popularity Award- Shinhwa
Mnet Plus Mobile Popularity Award- DBSK
Digital Popularity Award- SG Wannabe
Mnet.com Award- DBSK
Best OST Song Award- Seeya - Crazy Love Song
Best Movie Director- Lee Junik's 'Radio Star'
Best Composition Award-SG Wannabe 'Partner For Life'
Best Song Arrangement Award- Seeya 'Crazy Love Song'
Best Lyrics Award- Vibe 'That Man, That Woman'
Best Song of the Year- SG Wannabe
Best Artist of the Year- DBSK

KKVL @ TVXQ Fans Forum

Pictures of the event
Click for full size:
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Credits: Burnin_Room, Melitehero,Simchangmin, Photoro, Vanhada, Bestiz & Mabe@Soompi

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Friday, November 24, 2006
RAIN & TVXQ Album launching + TVXQ FC Party
2:31 PM

Confirming the party with Warner for the 2 major kpop star's new album Malaysian version, as well as the official endorcement of Warner with Kpop Kingdom's TVfXQ FC in Malaysia.
For this event, 30-40 medias and some VIPs are coming. It is our honour to celebrate with you all

Date : Nov 29, Wednesday

Time : 3-5pm
Invited fans' Registration starts at : 1pm

Entree : By invitation only. We are inviting 60 OFFICIAL members from TVfXQ fan club & Kpop Kingdom on first come first served bases. By Warner's request, we will only invite those who are purchasing the album.
I know some of you already confirmed to come, but I know that most of you are buying the album. If you have confirmed to come but not ordering the album, Im sorry but we cant put your name in invited list so please consider to buy the album. If we still have less than 60 fans coming, we will release the invitation once again from 26th.
Others who are not going to party but interested to purchase with Kpop Kingdom & TVfXQ FC discount price, you may still pruchase. Please look at the deatils in marche which is stated at later part of this thread.

Venue : Star KTV, Bangsar Shopping Complex, Bangsar

Program :
- Album Launching of Rain 4th and TVfXQ 3rd
- Official ceremony od the endorcement by Warner Music of TVfXQ FC in Malaysia running by Kpop Kingdom
- Music Video of both Rain & TVfXQ on Projector Screen
- Games

Kpop kingdom

TVXQ!, Total Record sales reaches 2 million mark
12:35 PM

The total Record sales of the group TVXQ! stepped over the 2 million line. Since their debut in February of 2004, TVXQ! recorded 1.4 million in domestic sales, and reached the 2 million mark counting overseas sales in China, Taiwan, and Thailand within 2 years and 9 months. This is counting their first single in 2004, HUG, their regular albums and carol albums. Not only this, but their 3rd album released this year, "O"-Union has also sold over 250,000 records and is currently topping the charts.

Source: Arirang + oct23ria @ kpopper.com
Credits: arirangtv.com

Thursday, November 23, 2006
TVXQ Invited to Asia Pacific Film Festival
12:50 PM

The five-man group TVXQ has been invited to the Asia Pacific Film Festival, which kicked off its five-day run in Taiwan on Tuesday. The group, as a special guest, will present the best original soundtrack award and give a performance to celebrate the festival on Friday.

Established to promote exchange and cooperation between those working in the film industry in Asia, the annual event draws leading directors and stars from all over Asia every year.

The Korean group will perform the title song of its third album, “‘O’-Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis,” for the first time in Taiwan, where the album is topping the music charts just a week after its release there.

Source: KBS Global

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Young Woong Jae Joong Paternity Case + his reaction
12:27 PM

동방신기의 멤버 영웅재중(20•본명 김재중)이 친자확인소송에 휘말렸다.
영웅재중의 생부임을 주장하는 한모씨(49)가 지난 1일 대전지법 공주지원에 영웅재중의 양부모를 상대로 친생자관계부존재확인소송을 제기했고 공주지원은 오는 29일 이 소송에 대한 첫 공판을 가질 예정이라고 통신사 뉴시스가 21일 보도했다.
한씨는 지난 80년대 후반 영웅재중의 생모와 이혼한 뒤 아들의 양육권을 아내에게 넘겼는데 최근 영웅재중이 친인척이 아닌 타인에게 입양돼 양육돼왔다는 사실을 뒤늦게 알고 친자확인소송을 제기했다. 한씨는 소장에서 “친인척도 아닌 제3자가 아들을 키우고 있어 소를 제기하게 됐다”며 “양부모가 정식 입양절차를 거치지 않고 영웅재중을 호적에 친자로 입적시켰다”고 주장했다.
법원 관계자는 “입양의 효력이 인정된다면 유전자 대조 결과 한씨가 친부로 확인되더라도 호적에 친자를 입적하기 어려울 것으로 판단된다”고 밝혔다. 또 “재판이 진행되면 입양경위 등을 조사하고 원고와 영웅재중의 유전자 대조작업도 벌일 예정”이라며 “입양절차에 문제가 있더라도 입양을 위한 호적정리였다고 인정될 경우 원고가 피고측에 문제를 제기하기 어렵다”고 전했다. 양부모의 변호인은 입양을 염두에 둔 호적입적이었기에 입양효력에 문제가 없다고 주장하고 있다.
한편 이 사실을 접한 동방신기의 팬들은 안타까움을 표시했다. 팬들은 “마음고생이 심할 것 같다”. “어려운 일을 겪고 있는데 힘내라”. “연예인이라는 이유로 사생활이 밝혀지는 게 안타깝다”는 등의 반응을 보였다.
김상호기자 sangho94@

DBSG’s Young Woong Jae Joong Paternity Case

Dong Bang Shin Gi member, Young Woong Jae Joong (20• real name: Kim Jae Joong) is currently involved in a paternity/DNA testing case.
On the first of November, Mr. Han (49), who claims he is Young Woong Jae Joong’s biological father, filed a claim against Young Woong Jae Joong’s adoptive parents demanding that a paternity test be performed to prove that he is the biological father. The Dae Jun Court will begin taking in this case on the 29th of this month as reported by a news program aired on the 21st.
Mr. Han claims that in the latter half of the 1980s, he divorced Young Woong Jae Joong’s biological mother and turned over all custodial rights to his son to her. He says it was just recently that he found out that his ex-wife had turned over custody of their son to non-relatives and that they had taken him in and raised him as their own and he wants a paternity test to prove his relation to his son. Mr. Han stated, “I was obligated to file for the test after finding out that, not relatives, but a third party couple was raising my son” and, “These adoptive parents did not file any adoption paperwork, but filed papers claiming that my son was their biological son.”
An attorney commented, “Even if it is revealed that he really was adopted and that Mr. Han is the biological father, it will be difficult for Mr. Han to legally claim him as his own.” Additionally, “If action is to be taken on this case, there will be investigation into the adoption process that was taken , in addition to DNA testing for Young Woong Jae Joong.” “Even if it is proven that his adoptive parents did not correctly file adoption papers, it will be very difficult for Mr. Han to try and legally claim Young Woong Jae Joong as his son because the adoptive couple can claim that it was necessary to fully bring Young Woong Jae Joong into their family.” The adoptive couple’s lawyer states that there is no problem on their behalf because it was necessary for them to claim Young Woong Jae Joong as their own to completely adopt him.
When Dong Bang Shin Gi fans got a hold of this news, they couldn’t hide their worry and frustration. Fans commented, “He must be hurting so much.” “This must be so hard on you. Be strong.” And other statements such as “It’s so frustrating and sad that his private life is being scattered publicly just because he is a celebrity.”

[Kim Sang Ho, sangho94@]

Credits: DAUM
Translation: Mrs Jung Ji Hoon@Soompi

Hero's replied on this matter

최근 친자확인소송을 당한 동방신기의 영웅재중이 소속사를 통해 입장을 밝혔다.

에 스엠 엔터테인먼트는 22일 “ 이번 소송을 통해 알려진 것처럼, 영웅재중이 양(養)부모 슬하에서 성장한 것은 사실이다. 몇 년 전 영웅재중과 소속사는 현 부모님과 낳아주신 어머님의 관계에 대해 알게 되면서 이번 사실을 확인했지만, 개인적인 부분이라 밝히지 않았다. 이후 영웅재중은 현 부모님과 낳아주신 어머님과는 좋은 관계로 지내왔다"고 밝혔다.

또한 “앞으로 영웅재중은 동방신기 멤버로서, 변함없는 모습으로 활동에 전념 할 계획이다"라고 밝혔다.

영 웅재중은 “과거의 자세한 내용은 잘 기억나지 않지만 한재준이라는 이름을 주신 친 부모님이 계시다는 사실은 몇 년 전에 알게 되었다. 지금까지 길러주신 부모님은 물론 낳아주신 어머님과도 잘 지내왔기에, 아버님이 소송을 진행할 정도로 어떤 문제가 있었는지는 잘 모르겠지만, 과거보다는 현재가 중요하다고 본다.

지금까지와 마찬가지로 김재중으로 남고 싶고, 앞으로도 김재중으로 살고 싶다. 양쪽 부모님이 한 가족처럼 사랑하면서 지냈으면 좋겠다"고 덧붙였다.

한모씨는 영웅재중의 생부라며 영웅재중의 양부모를 상대로 친생자관계 부존재확인소송을 지난 1월 대전지법 공주지원에 제기했다.

소장에서 한씨는 "전처와 이혼할 당시 아들(영웅재중)의 양육권을 처에게 넘겼는데 나중에 알고보니 친인척도 아닌 제3자가 아들을 키우고 있어 소를 제기하게 됐다"고 주장했다.

모바일로 보는 스타뉴스 "342 누르고 NATE/magicⓝ/ez-i"


머니투데이가 만드는 리얼타임 연예뉴스,
제보 및 보도자료 star@mtstarnews.com<저작권자>
김원겸 기자 gyummy@mtstarnews.com

DBSG’s Young Woong Jae Joong, who has recently been involved in a paternity test case, has revealed his side of the story through SM Entertainment.

On the 22nd, SM Entertainment released a statement, “Like the media has already reported about this case, it is true that Young Woong Jae Joong was brought up by his current adoptive parents. A few years ago, Young Woong Jae Joong and SM Entertainment were informed about the relationship between Jae Joong’s adoptive parents and biological mother. However, we did not reveal this information because this was his private life and we saw no reason as to why this should be public. After finding out about his situation, Young Woong Jae Joong has kept a very nice relationship with both his adoptive parents and biological mother.”

Also, “Young Woong Jae Joong is the same person he was before this news was made public, and as a member of Dong Bang Shin Gi, he will continue to be his best.”

Young Woong Jae Joong stated, “I don’t remember the specifics because it was all in the past, but a few years ago I was told that I had biological parents who left me with the name of Han Jae Joong. My parents have raised me to this very day and they have kept a close relationship with my biological mother, so I don’t know what exactly brought my biological father to file a claim. But I believe that the present is more important than the past.

I want to be and always will be Kim Jae Joong. That’s how I’m going to live for the rest of my life. I hope that both my adoptive parents and biological parents will be able to keep a close, loving relationship like one family.”

Last January, Mr. Han filed paperwork trying to reclaim Young Woong Jae Joong as his own son.

At the court, Mr. Han stated, "When I was divorcing my ex-wife, I turned over all custodial rights to my son. But what caused me to file this claim was that she turned over custodial rights to a third-party couple."

Mobile Star News "Press 342 NATE/magicⓝ/ez-i"


Credits: Cyworld
Tran: Mrs Jung Ji Hoon@Soompi



[Diary] 11-22-06 Jaejoong's Relay Diary, mentioned his birth parents
11:49 AM

Original from the SM site:

안녕하세요. 영웅재중입니다.
주위를 둘러보면
단풍이 곱게 물든 나무들이
가을의 정취를
많이 느끼게 해주고 있어요.
어느새 가을이
중반을 훌쩍 넘어선거죠.^^

저희 동방신기 3집 음반
“O”-正.反.合.의 활동을 시작한지
이제 두 달 째 접어들어 가고 있어요.
신나는 노래와 함께하는 즐거운 무대에
여러분의 사랑도 한층 더 깊숙해진 것을
몸소 느낄 수 있었고요.
그만큼 저도 더욱 더
여러분께 가까워 지고 싶은 마음입니다.

지난 주말엔 여러분과 함께 한
특별한 여행을 통해서
여유로운 마음의 평정이라고 할까요?…
저희가 항상 무대 위에서
여러분을 위해 무대를 준비해오다가,
반대로 관객이 되어
여러분이 무대에 올라서
보여주시는 다양한 모습에
즐겁게 응원해드릴 수 있어서
마음 가득 흐뭇함을
느낄 수 있었던 시간이었어요.
함께했던 우리들의 이야기 시간에
귀를 기울여 주시는 여러분의 눈망울과
아침에 반찬을 직접 담아드렸을 때
맛있게 식사를 하시던 모습.
그리고 마지막 소감을 이야기 하는 시간에
기념사진을 찍던 그 순간까지!

모두 모두 마음 속에
소중히 담아올 수 있었던 즐거운 시간이었어요.
다음에는 우리 모두
함께 할 수 있으면 해요.^^

어제는 참으로 많은 생각을 하면서
하루를 보냈어요.
저를 낳아주신 친부모님이 계시지만,
어릴 적 기억이기 때문에
자세한 내용은 잘 몰랐어요.
하지만 친 어머니의 존재를
알게 되었을 때부터
어머니와 자주 연락을 하면서 지내왔고,
친어머니와 지금의 부모님과는
좋은 관계로 지내고 있습니다.
아버님께서 진행하신
지금의 소송이 재판까지 이어질 정도로
문제가 있는 것인지 잘 모르겠지만,
김재중 으로 살아가고 있는
현재로서의 저는
동방신기의 김재중 이며,
앞으로도 김재중 으로
계속 살아가고 싶습니다.
그래서 양쪽 부모님께 모두
효도하면서 살아갈 것이고
부모님 모두도 원만하게
지내 주셨으면 하는 바램입니다.

날씨가 참 많이 변덕스러워 졌어요.
독감 예방 주사 미리 맞으셔서
감기 안 걸리시게 조심하시고,
우리 동방신기 음반
계속 많이 사랑해 주세요!!!

하나 더.
여러분이 좋아하시는
“세상에 단 하나뿐인 마음”
우리도 많이 좋아하는 거 알죠? *^^*

Translation (Credits: heroshock.net english data)

Hi, This is Yeong-woong Jaejoong.
Looking around, we can feel autumn,
from beautifully tinged autumnal trees.
It has already passed middle of autumn. ^^

Now, TVXQ has already had two months of promotion
for the third album “O”-正.反.合.".
On the stages singing joyful songs,
I could feel that your love has been even more deepened (than before),
and I also want get closer to you.

Last week, in the Autumn Trip with you,
I felt a kind of....
easiness and composure of mind...

It was always we who prepared performances for fans.
But last week, we were the audience,
watching and enjoying your various performances,
so my mind was contendedly full with happiness.

I preciously keep the happy moments in my mind:
the moment that you guys carefully listened to us when we talked,
the moment that you ate those side dishes which we(TVXQ members) gave out,
and also the moment that we took pictures altogether, sharing our feeling about the trip!

It was such a joyful time that I keep in mind.
I hope to have a chance again with all of you! ^^

Yesterday, I thought about really many things all day long.

I have real parents,
but it is a memory when I was young,
so I didn't know any detail.

After I came to know my real mother,
I kept in contact with her quite often,
and my real parents and adoptive parents have had good relationship.

I don't know very well whether the lawsuit that my real father started is serious enought to lead to a trial,
but I am TVXQ's Kim Jae-joong at present, and hope to live as Kim Jae-joong in the future, too.
So I will be a good son for both of two parents,
and I hope all of them have a good relationship.

The whether is very coprisious.
Get a preventive injection so that you would not catch a cold,
and please keep loving TVXQ album!!!

One more,
you guys know that we also love "you are my miracle", the song you really love, don't you?

Past relay diary entries posted here:

Junsu's Diary
Changmin's Diary
Yunho's Diary

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Monday, November 20, 2006
PICS: Miss you Photoshoot
2:10 PM

Click for full size:



Tuesday, November 14, 2006
TVXQ's new Music Videos
8:09 PM

New MVs are available for download... Just log in to the forum! [Here]

O (Korean) (MQ/HQ)
O (Japanese) (HQ)
Miss you (Japanese) (HQ)
Balloons (HQ)



Monday, November 13, 2006
PICS: Japan Fan meeting 11/11
3:46 PM

Click for full size:
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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Credits: BZ + tvxqfamily + HAppyBelle@TVXQ Fans Forum



// keep the faith //