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Saturday, February 24, 2007
Camera phones unothorized at a TVXQ concert
3:28 PM

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One of TVXQ’s concert was licensed to mobile phone content service providers which meant that fans attending the concert weren’t allow to take any pictures of the concert. To enforce this, the geniuses at SM Entertainment confiscated digital cameras and camera-phones from 8,500 teens who paid to see TVXQ perform.

As a result, some 1,000 or so fans had to wait until 4 am to get their phones and cameras back because they only had three booths set up to return them. The phones were dumped in one big pile, so when the owners came back for their phones after the concert, SM staff had to fish through thousands of phones to find the rightful owner.
The fans, on the other hand, are demanding a sincere apology and a fair compensation and they better get them if SM plans to stay in business. Hopefully, SM will learn to treat fans with some respect and hire smarter people in their organization. Seriously, setting up 3 booths for 8500 people and confiscating cell-phones and cameras was downright unethical.

Credits: popseoul.com

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