Click for full size: Translation:
Yesterday, Jaejoong went to the hospital, it was said that his knee injury had recured (fans were not very sure at the time, only guessing, after all, if it's not very serious, then there was no need to go to the hospital.)
Today, they performed at Music Tank, the fans at Music Tank said that they sang three songs, the first two were slow ones, and the last song was "O". While singing "O", Jaejoong sat on a chair, the mask boy danced for him again.
Today also had a TV program filming while all the boys went climbing the hills. All the members went except Jaejoong.Look at how sad he is...this is a screencap of the said performance in Music Tank.
Credit: heroÔÚÖÐbar@, Hermione @ TVXQ Fans Forum, Picture made by: Sally ¤ÎHero
News by: ŵ
Courtesy of: jaejoongaddict @ DBSK Exclusive + Finay @ AF + TVXQFansForum
Translated by: helenecho@dbsg LJ community