October is Breast Cancer Recognition Month in Korea, and Korean Fashion Magazine "W Magazine" are celebrating this month with 23 Korean stars which included stars such as TVXQ and Hyori. In order to increase the Breast cancer education, which is fairly low in such a developed country such as Korea, W Magazine has taken action to educate Korean women about the causes and effects of breast cancer. W Magazine will be selling t-shirts with the real handprints of The 23 Korean stars, including BoA, stamped on the front of the t-shirt. W Magazine stated that the money raised will be donated to the Korean Breast Cancer Association. Despite the busy schedule, BoA recognized the importance of this problem, and decided to participate in the campaign.DBSK and Hyori: Fight Breast Cancer!HYORI AND DONGBANGSHINKI making shirts to fight for BREAST CANCER!!!
Click for full size:Basically, Hyori and Hero from DongBangShinki made handprinted T-shirts with autographs at the bottom to help the association to help breast cancer. Cool shirts. Hyori's is at the right! (Kai: so jaejoong's at the left)
Click for full size: Credits : BoA's House + www.kpopper.com , DBSG LJ + KAI @ TVFXQWORLD.CJB.NET, my daily + kai@tvfxqworld.cjb.net , Lisha, Jayce gal @ bww2 forum and Kerren @ TvxQ Fans Forum